Art in the Carpet

The only limit is the imagination of the customer. Nothing is truer, since Artep is able to satisfy even the most particular requests, optimizing the maximum customization of the product. This is due to the service of design and the unique construction of Custom Measurement. Like a couture dress, the carpet is “sewn” for the environment that it will furnish with an eye to the needs of the client and the advice of a discreet and highly qualified staff.

The best proposal.

Choosing has neverbeen so easy

Colors, shapes and sizes are no longer a problem, but an opportunity: after a free house visit, during which the ideal size and colors are assessed, the carpet is first designed virtually and then added, with a computerized graphical simulation, in your every environment.

Wool, silk, viscose, cactus, hemp and linen … an infinite number of selections with which to enrich your environment with a custom rug.
